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Kaktus has been our client for 8 years.

2013 - současnost

Kaktus is a mobile operator operated by T-Mobile since 2013. It provides quality telecommunications services and wants to offer customers as much freedom as possible so that they can easily arrange Kaktus services the way they need them.

Idea Making

The Kaktus audience alternated between millennials and Generation Z. What was fun on social media five years ago is now long over the event horizon. It's about creating simple, easy-to-understand yet fun and innovative content that not only engages a given audience, but also enticesthem to the brand benefits it also explains: effortless control, the ability to build your own packages, and now unlimited social data, all at a bargain price and without contracts.


The joke is our main means of communication. Even the most mundane information we try to convey with hyperbole. People need to have fun with us first and foremost. We are progressive and constantly trying new things in communication. We carefully monitor the interests of our target customer group of 18 to 30 year olds.
We react quickly and with humour to contemporary topics. With Kaktus, we've taken over Facebook and Instagram and are expanding to other social networks.

Where now?
Contact us

Římská 35
120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady
New clients

Emil Beneš
Managing Director
Media and press

Daniela Matoušů
Account Director

We are currently looking for:
Let us know via StartupJobs
or write to Daniela Matoušů